Email The United Nations About The Dangers Of Overpopulation

Tell the UN that you want overpopulation on the agenda at COP30 in November

Email the United Nations

Ask the United Nations to include overpopulation in the Agenda at COP30, due to be held in Brazil in November 2025.

To save you time, we have pre-written the email for you. But please take a minute to add your own comments in the ‘additional comments’ box below. This allows you to personalise the email – if we all send the same message, it can get marked as ‘spam’. Your name will automatically be added to the email when it is sent, showing that this important issue matters to you!

Dear United Nations Secretariat,

The direct relationship between human population size and the environmental decline of our planet has never been clearer.

The Earth has already surpassed the limits of what it can give in terms of natural resources, and what it can take in terms of waste, pollution and CO2 emissions. Almost every crisis that our planet is currently facing can, at some point, be linked to human overpopulation.

There are already more of us than our planet can sustain. Furthermore, the United Nations predicts that, based on all evidence, the world human population will most likely reach close to 11 billion by 2100.

Overpopulation has been the elephant in the room for far too long; a problem that has been privately acknowledged, but not openly discussed. Sticking plaster solutions are not working and we need to be addressing the root cause.

For the sake of our planet and future generations, I am asking that the issue of continued population growth be included on the agenda at COP30 in Brazil in November 2025.

I am not recommending or advocating any form of ‘population control’, simply urging the need to publicly acknowledge and openly discuss overpopulation as a problem that is overwhelming our planet.

Please include overpopulation on the COP30 agenda so that discussion around this critical issue can begin!

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