Overpopulation is still the elephant in the room; the topic governments and policy makers are afraid to talk about openly. But there is strength in numbers and together we can take action on overpopulation. Whether you are making an important change to your own lifestyle, or encouraging others to do the same, your actions count.

Here’s how you can help

Smaller families

Choose to Have a Smaller Family

Take action on overpopulation by choosing to have a smaller family. You’ll be doing far more than just helping the planet.

Smaller families

Choose to Have a Smaller Family

Choosing to have a smaller family doesn’t just help the planet. There are many other benefits besides.

Add your Voice to our Campaigns

Email the British Prime Minister about overpopulation
Email the British Prime Minister

Tell Rishi Sunak that the British Government needs to do more about overpopulation.

Email the United Nations and ask for overpopulation to be on the COP29 agenda
Email the United Nations

Tell the UN that you want overpopulation on the agenda at COP29 in November.

ell the Catholic Church to respect women’s reproductive rights
Email the Catholic Church

Tell the Catholic Church it needs to respect women’s reproductive rights.

The Message by Yan Vana

Buy the Book

The Message is the critically acclaimed debut novel from Yan Vana that cleverly puts human civilisation under the microscope and highlights the inevitable consequences of overpopulation.

The Message by Yan Vana

Buy the Book

The Message is the critically acclaimed debut novel from Yan Vana that cleverly puts human civilisation under the microscope and highlights the inevitable consequences of overpopulation.