UK Population Projected To Reach 74 Million By 2036
The population of the United Kingdom could reach almost 74 million by 2036, latest figures suggest.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) projects the UK population will increase by 6.6 million people (9.9%) between 2021 and 2036. This includes a net migration of approximately 6.1 million people, plus around 500,000 more births than deaths.
These latest figures also suggest the UK population could hit 70 million by the middle of 2026 – a decade sooner than previously projected in 2022.
ONS projections*, published this week, also suggest that in the period between mid-2021 and mid-2036:
10.8 million people will be born in the UK
10.3 million people in the UK will die
13.7 million people will immigrate long term to the UK
7.6 million people will emigrate from the UK
Amid a troubled economy and with insufficient available housing to meet a growing demand, the UK government has been under increasing pressure to take control of net migration.
The ONS’s projections also show a rising number of older people in the UK, suggesting that, by 2036, the number of people in the UK aged 85 years and over will increase from 1.6 million (2.5% of the total population) to 2.6 million (3.5%).
James Robards, the head of population at the Office for National Statistics, said: “Our projections, which use assumptions based on current and past trends, are not predictions. If migration comes down, then so will our assumptions for use in future projections.”
* ONS projections are broadly used to calculate the likely demand for housing and public services.
Submitted by Friends of Retha
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